Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stupid "Witnesses"

Well, I wasn't going to write about anything today, but Marissa's blog today (here is a link, if you haven't read it: )  struck a nerve with me, and I didn't want to rant in her comments, so I'm writing a post about it.

This is mainly for whoever who reads my blog that is Christian...not to say that you can't read it otherwise.

OK, so I'm assuming you've read the post now.  Why do people do that??! Why do they wave pamphlets and Bibles in random strangers faces and think they are "changing lives"??!!  The only thing they do is make non-Christians angry.  Which is a little counter-productive, seeing as they want the people they talk to to be converted, not.. turned off to Christianity!  Are they blind?  How do they not see what they do?!

*sigh* OK, I'm done ranting now.  I just really hate it when people like that do these things... I suppose you could say it's a pet peeve.

That reminds me of a quote I read somewhere, by St. Francis of somewhere or other (googled it.. it's St. Francis of Assisi):
"Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary use words."

 I really like that quote because it pretty much describes what I try to do.  In order to be a witness, you don't have to confront people about their faith, that will only make them mad, and will cause them to resent Christianity as a whole.  I think some people need to learn that if they love first, and try to be an example, they will do more than forcing the Bible down people's throats....

But that's just my opinion.. What are your thoughts?


Well, today was exciting.  Exactly nothing happened.  I feel like I should write something, but, honestly, I have nothing to say.  

Quite the eloquent blog, isn't it?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The first of probably many Twilight-related blog posts (Twiposts?, twiblogs?)

Today, I was rereading Breaking Dawn, for about the 4th time.  BD is the fourth book in the Twilight saga, which I am totally obsessed with.  See? I only made it a day blogging without mentioning it. By the way, if you haven't yet, you should definitely read Twilight! It's amazing!  
Anyways, I came across this quote I really love.  Fair warning, though, it's like a paragraph long:
"It was a strange feeling - not surprising, I supposed, since everything felt strange now - this being a natural at something.  As a human, I'd never been best at anything.  I was okay at dealing with Renee, but lots of people probably could have done better; Phil seemed to be holding his own.  I was a good student, but never the top of the class.  Obviously, I could be counted out of anything athletic.  Not artistic, or musical, no particular talents to brag of.  Nobody ever gave away a trophy for reading books.  After eighteen years of mediocrity, I was pretty used to being average.  I realized now that I'd long ago given up any aspirations of shining at anything.  I just did the best with what I had, never quite fitting into my world."

This quote really fits me, but to me, it isn't depressing.  I get hope, actually, i get the feeling that, sometime, I will get my world that I fit into, that finally makes sense.  However, I showed it to one of my other friends, and he said that it was depressing, because that wouldn't happen to us, it's fiction.  i guess that is just the difference between optimists and pessimists, but i was just wondering, what is your reaction to it?  Do you think that quote is depressing? Do you even relate to it at all? 

Liking It

Well, earlier, I sort of liked the idea of blogging, but I didn't like that everyone would be reading my thoughts.  Now, however, reading everybody else's blogs, I am really liking this, and I want people to read mine more(although, I forgot to put my blog on the list yesterday. Oops.).

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My First Blog

So, this is my first blog. I'm not sure what I am going to write about, but something will come to me.
To start out, I'll write about My So-Called Life.  I really like it so far, because it is relevant to me.  Today, when Angela's parents were yelling at her, and the little sister got snapped at, and then faded into the background was me.  In my family, my little sister, Rachel, doesn't get along with my dad at all, so they yell at each other a lot.  I have figured out that if I say anything, I get yelled at too, so I just disappear until it's over.  Then, like the little sister, I talk to my sister.  I try and get her less angry, and my mom does the same with my dad.  Their fighting is just so stupid sometimes, I've wanted to just whack them over the head w/ something, until they see sense.  Unfortunately, I can't do that, so I just let Rachel vent to me.  
Anyway, Mr. Thompson is talking about customizing my blog now, so I want to listen to that.