Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hot Seat

Today, I discovered how much I really hate the hot seat.  Even though I didn't get picked, I spent the whole time stressing out that I'd get picked, and get a word I didn't know.  I kept having this mental image of me getting one of the words I don't know, and everyone just looking at me, staring at me.  Or worse, getting a word I knew, and forgetting it, because everyone was staring.  I'm getting better than I used to be, but I am still really shy.  I'm fine talking to one or two people, even people I've never met before, but being tested in front of the whole class is just scary.  
Not to mention studying.  I studied until 11 last night, probably clinching the fail of my math test in the process.  And then I didn't even get picked.  It was annoying, but I don't know whether being picked would have been worse.