Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wanna bet?

So, I was thinking about how my mom's phrase is "Wanna bet?" and if you say that, it means that she knows she is right and you better backtrack if you don't want to be proved wrong.  Immediately.  And I realized that there is a part in To Kill a Mockingbird that is kind of like this, where Scout is talking about Atticus.  Here's the part I'm talking about:
" 'Do you really think so?'
This was Atticus's dangerous question.  'Do you really want to move there, Scout?'  Bam, bam, bam, and the checkerboard was swept clear of my men.  'Do you really think that, son? Then read this.'  Jem would struggle the rest of the evening through the speeches of Henry W. Grady."
I thought it was an interesting parallel, how my mom, and Scout's dad, have these phrases that make you stop, and rethink.  I just found it...weird that these two things from completely different parts of my life kind of came together.  That happens sometimes, to me.  I like it actually, I like making those connections.

My Nana cut her own hair O.o (This is really just a continuation of the other post. It just happened after I posted that one.)

.....and Nana just turned to me and started talking about her hair.  she goes "I don't care if Gayle (my mom) and Papa are mad at me for cutting my hair, I feel better."  Here's the thing though: they weren't really mad at her, they were a bit frustrated because she did this without thinking, and is going to regret it.  They don't have to be mad, because she will be mad at herself.  I think she might be regretting it a little already, because they way she said it was like she was trying to convince herself, and to attempt to show me that she really doesn't care, despite the fact that she keeps touching the back of her head, and playing with that long bit.  Like, she's over covering it up.

Now Mom came out after taking a shower and said she "felt so clean".  Here's the conversation:
Nana (defensive): "That's how I feel after cutting my hair."
Mom (amused): "But I don't have any bald spots after taking a shower."
Nana: "I don't think I really have a bald spot."
Mom: "Wanna bet?" (That is my mom's phrase. If she says that, you better rethink what you just said.  Because you're wrong.)
Nana: ...
Mom: "Here I can show you."
-Mom shows her-
Nana: "Oh... I'm going to go take a nap."

My Nana cut her own hair O.o

Oh jeeze.  I was trying to think of what I should write, and my Nana(my mom's mom.  I call my dad's mom Grandma), who is staying with us until Thanksgiving, walks in and asks if she looks any different.  I didn't really notice anything, but I lie and say yeah, and what does she say? "I cut my hair."  She didn't do TOO bad of a job, I'll give you that, but last night my Papa(grandpa) and mom BOTH told her that my mom wasn't going to take her to get a haircut because she didn't need one.  Evidently, she thought she did.  And now she "feels so much better."  She is so much like a little kid sometimes.  She has almost no control over her emotions, and when she gets an idea into her head (like cutting her hair) she won't let it go, unless she forgets (which she does a lot too, luckily for us).  Although she is getting much better.  She used to not have that filter, the one that tells you not to say certain things out loud, because of how it might make other people feel.  That is coming back, bit by bit, but I don't think it will ever be completely back.  

Oh, never mind about what I said about her hair not being that bad.  My mom just found a bald spot on the back of her head.  And now Nana says she doesn't care, but I bet by tonight, she will.  And she's saying that she will cut it more, because there is one part that is really long, right next to her bald spot.  I hope my mom will just even out the back for her, before she tries to do it herself.