Thursday, October 30, 2008


I don't know why, but halloween is just kind of suckish this year.  I'm not getting excited about it like usual...  I'm not even going to dress up and go trick or treating, because I couldn't think of anything to be.  And usually I have at least 5 different ideas.  They just all seem stupid this year.  (Ok, they're stupid every other year too.  I tend to like quirky costumes.)  It's the first time I've ever been apathetic about halloween.  I guess its gonna be my boring holiday this year.  Last year, sadly enough, it was my birthday.  No one ever remembers my birthday, because it's randomly in the middle of July.  It's kind of depressing.  What was I talking about again?  Oh yeah, halloween.  I still don't really know what I'm doing.  I have some tenative plans, but my mom won't let me do anything unless she has more information.  So I sort of have a feeling it's not going to end up working. :(

I don't know why I'm in such a bad mood.  I'm just randomly disliking everything right now.  And I've been very very emotional lately.  That probably is what this is coming from.  Why am I still talking?  I have nothing left to say.  Goodbye.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


No, those Z's aren't me sleeping.  I am lamenting the terrible fate of my Z key.  It fell off.  I have the key, but it isn't attached to my keyboard.   I have this depressing hole in the middle of all my keys.  :( 

Does anyone know a better way to fix this than superglue?  I'm reluctant to use super glue in case it messes up something... And that would suck.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another exciting Sunday.....

Well, today was fairly boring again.  Well, actually, earlier tonight, I was playing with this little boy.. His name is Zander (His full name's Alexander, but Zander is his nickname. Along with handsome.)  He is about 9 months old, and really really cute.  He was bouncing up and down, and doing that thing that babies do when they get tired.  He'd kind of nestle against me, and then remember that he didn't want to sleep, and startle himself awake.  He ended up falling asleep on my lap though.  It was adorable!
Also, I was messing with this other little boy earlier this afternoon... He was pretty cute, I believe his name was Jake.  He was 5 (at least that's what he told me.)  I was playing with him, and my little sister, Rachel, was messing w/ his little sister.  We actually end up doing that a lot.  Rach will gravitate toward the cute, bubbly little kid, and I find myself paying way more attention to her (or his) older, often ignored sibling.  Who adores me, because I give them personal attention, not just the leftovers.  I always feel bad for the older kid.  Probably because I was like that.  

On that cheery note, good night everybody! (Even though I'm planning on staying awake for awhile.... whatever.)