Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stupid "Witnesses"

Well, I wasn't going to write about anything today, but Marissa's blog today (here is a link, if you haven't read it: )  struck a nerve with me, and I didn't want to rant in her comments, so I'm writing a post about it.

This is mainly for whoever who reads my blog that is Christian...not to say that you can't read it otherwise.

OK, so I'm assuming you've read the post now.  Why do people do that??! Why do they wave pamphlets and Bibles in random strangers faces and think they are "changing lives"??!!  The only thing they do is make non-Christians angry.  Which is a little counter-productive, seeing as they want the people they talk to to be converted, not.. turned off to Christianity!  Are they blind?  How do they not see what they do?!

*sigh* OK, I'm done ranting now.  I just really hate it when people like that do these things... I suppose you could say it's a pet peeve.

That reminds me of a quote I read somewhere, by St. Francis of somewhere or other (googled it.. it's St. Francis of Assisi):
"Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary use words."

 I really like that quote because it pretty much describes what I try to do.  In order to be a witness, you don't have to confront people about their faith, that will only make them mad, and will cause them to resent Christianity as a whole.  I think some people need to learn that if they love first, and try to be an example, they will do more than forcing the Bible down people's throats....

But that's just my opinion.. What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad my blog didn't offend you today, I was a little worried about it being read wrong. I don't mean that Christianity is wrong, just that people who try to force it upon other people are wrong. And really irritating. Like those people who stood outside Fanime holding huge signs that said "TURN TO GOD OR BURN IN HELL". People should be able to believe in what they want without being looked down on.

Anyway, I'm happy that you understand what I meant.

But seriously, that guy really scared me.

~Alyssa~ said...

Aww.. You shouldn't have been scared... He thought he was looking out for you..

Then again, he could have been completely crazy :P It happens.

Bridget said...

I feel what you're saying Alyssa. Its like when those people at the mall totally pounce on you to let them put some weird creme on your hands. When they do that, I walk away..quickly! And religion is such a sensitive subject, you can't really pounce on people about it. I mean, if you are really trying to witness to other people, people would see that love you have for people, not the aggressiveness.

Rachel K said...

You are so right! I think its ridiculously annoying how they wave pamphlets in front of your face. Hahaha I remeber this one time I got into an argument with one of the people.They were trying to convert me to be a christian and then I'm like I'm already a Chrisitan and he didnt believe me because he thought that I was lying for him to leave me alone and I like argued with him for like 15 min about my own religon

~Alyssa~ said...

That's funny Rachel! I can't believe he didn't realize that you are a Christian...

Lorita said...

Yeah, I know! Sometimes they keep telling you all this information about a religion that you are FAMILIAR with. I keep telling them that I am a Christian but they just won't let it go. (emphasis on familiar)