I suppose I should start from the beginning. Before we officially started, (Um.. Lets just use initials, because I know that some of the people I'm going to talk about don't really want this stuff on the Internet.) So, H, asked our youth director how she was going to vote on prop. 8. She very nicely evaded the question by giving a generic "I don't know" and moving on to the devotion. And here is a quote from the devotion that really spoke to me, at least.
"In this verse, God is basically saying through the apostle Paul, 'Hey, why don't we stop judging each other. Instead, let's do all that we can to get along... regardless of our differences!' "
I put a box around that and then wrote next to it "aka: vote no on prop. 8" and passed it to the people by me. They said I should bring it up, so I did, and then felt really stupid for awhile 'cause I had nothing else to say about it really. I just noticed a similarity. But then H went off. You see, he's bi, and also has very strong opinions about everything. So he gets really into discussions like this. Also, all of us (meaning, all of us on the side of the room that agreed that homosexuality isn't a sin) know he's bi, but our youth director and another girl, A, don't know. And they were the main people on the other side.
Basically, there was much argument, and a lot of H and A going at it. (They don't get along anyway.) Also, sometimes our youth director, or one of us would chime in as well. I was kind of a translator, whenever H didn't quite complete his thoughts, or they didn't make sense to anyone else, I would rephrase them.
Now, the rest of this is just me. After this discussion, I just ended up confused. I still believe the government shouldn't say who people can marry, but I don't know what's right, like from a Christian perspective. If God is love, then why is it a sin to love someone of the same sex? Is it a sin?
I pretty much reached the conclusion that God is schizophrenic. And I don't really know if I'm joking or not. There are so many different views of him. Is he merciful and loving? Or is he condemning and just? Because those two don't mesh very well. At least, not where this issue is concerned. At least, not to me.
Does anyone know? Does anyone even know what I'm talking about, or am I just the crazy one? Comment please!
Can't say I really know what Prop. 8 is about. (Yeah, they talk about them on commercials. But do they REALLY explain what it is?) Quite frankly I don't care if a person is gay or bi or straight. Because, really, who am I to judge? Who am I to say who you should love? Same with the government! They shouldn't be able to dictate who one should marry. If you truly love someone then why shouldn't you be able to marry them?
It's interesting that you came to the conclusion that God has multiple personalities; a guy named Jack Miles wrote a highly readable, incredibly smart book called God: A Biographyabout the shifting portrayals of God in the Hebrew Bible- the warrior God, the father God, the shepherd God, the landlord God- and he proposes that rather than being erratic, God is evolving: that God, like all of creation, has adapted over time to best cope with the demands of the changing world. The book- and its companion, Christ: A Crisis in the Life of God, is one of my favorites (and I'm not alone: God won the Pulitzer Prize for biography).
Ashley: It's to make gay marriage illegal again in California. Even though it was voted legal before.
Mr. Thompson: Hmm... That is a really interesting thought. I might have to go find that book.
I see~ I say we form a mob.
I am still not really sure what it's about. Of course, I've only been to wikipedia for about 20 minutes. Like, they say it only prohibits marriage between same-sex couples and that they would still have the same rights as before with a domestic partnership. Still, I think it sounds a little too much like the whole 'seperate but equal' theory...
Yeah, I still don't understand what prop 8 is about. What does this proposition have to do with schools? Mr. Thompson, I have actually read that book. It was a very interesting thought and it was very interesting.
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