Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Edit

Here you go Marissa..

I take back what I said earlier, Halloween was actually really fun.  I didn't get too much candy, but that's okay.  I like the act of being able to ask random people for candy and have them actually give it to me.  It never gets old.  


AshleyR said...

The way you said that made me laugh. XD Mine was fun too. Although I think a few of the people were tipsy...

Anonymous said...

Typical Alyssa. *rolls eyes*

~Alyssa~ said...

Ashley: Oooh! Sounds like when my family gets together. A scientific equation I came up with at Labor Day: a bunch of 40-something people + alcohol + a DVD of George Micheal music videos = BAD THINGS

Marissa: uh-huh! You know you love me though.