Friday, December 12, 2008


Yesterday, I realized something interesting about my little sister, Rachel. We were messing around, doing that's what she said-type jokes, and half of hers didn't make sense. I realized that she's like Scout. She uses these words, these jokes, but doesn't understand them. It was weird, because I wasn't quite like that. we both grew up VERY sheltered (private, Christian elementary school. Very overprotective parents. I've still only seen two or three R-rated movies.) but we dealt with the "real" world differently. I laughed when other people did, but I didn't know why, exactly, I was laughing. I sort of figured out my own definitons to stuff, and I'm still not sure if all of them are entirely correct, even now. Anyway, I don't know why I just said all this. I thought it was worth saying, at the time. Now I'm not so sure, but I need more blogs this week, so I think I'll post it anyway.

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