Saturday, February 28, 2009


My Nana is visiting again. And every visit, she has a story that she repeats over and over. To everyone, whether you have heard it before or not. Last time, it was this story about how she told my 5-year-old cousin Jonathan that she loved him and he said he likes her, but doesn't love her and she realized that it's better to be liked than loved and this ALWAYS spawned an arguement from my little sister, who evidently disagreed. I was just relived because the time before it was telling me about my "cute figure" and asking me how many boys hit on me that day. *rolls her eyes*
Anyway, this time I'm afraid it's about me again. On Wednesday, the day she got here, she said something aobut how I looked like her. And then, when we went to church on Wednesday night, she was talking to this other lady who also said I look like her. And, the thought of looking like she used to when she was young isn't so bad, because I don't know what she used to look like or anything. But the thought of ending up looking like her when I get old... *shudders*

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