Monday, April 6, 2009

I knew this day was coming

Yesterday, my parents dropped it on me. "We expect straight A's from now on. There's no reason you shouldn't get them, except that you're lazy." (which is a perfectly legitimate reason in my book) They must be so disappointed, their perfect parenting plans didn't work. "We don't believe in grounding" turned into "No phone, no computer except for homework, no going out of the house" but they still refuse to say I'm grounded. "We don't care what grades you get, we just want you to do your best" turned into "You need to get straight A's." I knew this wouldn't last. I just hope they don't expect it next year. They made me take AP Lang. Writing is NOT a strong point for me. I'm not going to get an A. I know it already. Maybe I'm being complacent. Maybe I should worry more about getting into college. But I don't think that I will have to worry, maybe I will. Maybe when I'm out of Gunderson, where most kids don't care, when there's more competition I'll regret it. Maybe.

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