Sunday, April 19, 2009

owce cweam sandawich

I always eat things oddly. Like, just now I was eating an ice cream sandwich and I have to like peel off the chocolate sandwich part and eat the ice cream seperate. I do that with reeses peanut butter cups too. And my mom gets so mad at me. I have no idea why. It's not like I'm 5 and she'll need to clean up whatever mess I make, I'll do it. And I'm usually eating in the kitchen, so the floor is like fake plastic tile that I can easily wipe off, not carpet. And it's not like she should be upset because I'm not eating politely, I CAN eat politely, it's just no fun.

Wow this was the most dispassionate (vocab!), stupidest rant I have ever made. And I subjected you to it. You're welcome.

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