Sunday, April 19, 2009


I can't wait until it's finally summer! Our summer vacation needs to be a lot longer. I'm going to be out of town for all of it, except just 4 weeks! And there's nothing that I want to like give up to have more time at home. The thing I'm most excited about is probably going to Mt. Cross. It's this camp (yes, a church camp) in the Santa Cruz mountains. I go every year, but this year I'm going for three weeks, not just one. I'm going to be a junior counselor and work with the kids and all that funness. I'll be there for almost the entire time they do the summer camp, so I'm kinda wary about that, because at Mt. Cross is where I met my ex-boyfriend. But I'll only be working with kids in elementary school, so I shouldn't have to really interact with him, even if he comes. Plus it's been over a year, so it shouldn't be too awkward to like see him occasionally, say hi, make small talk. And I think I'm way over-thinking this. I'm gonna go now.

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