Monday, March 9, 2009

Babysitting. Whee.

today I had to babysit for St. Tims (tmy old elementary school, the school my mom is principal of, blah blah blah) Home and School club meeting. It's essentially a PTA meeting, and I get drafted to watch the kids of the parents who go. I generally don't mind, but today I had homework, and already had to have an orthodontist appointment. And that was just great. Well, the babysitting ended up being a complete waste of time. I got there, and there were no kids. I waited for maybe ten or so minutes, and then one kid showed up. He was a fifth grader and he didn't say a word to me the whole hour plus. He walked in, looked around, sat down, and turned on his ipod. It looked like he was listening to music at first, and then started watching some TV show on it. We were in the nursery, so I just colored. It was fun, but I still had other things I should have been doing. My mom said I should have brought my homework, but my homework was all on the computer, so that wouldn't have worked. Anyway, there's another boring blog post.

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