Monday, March 9, 2009


Whenever I'm reading, whatever paper is nearest me soon becomes covered in quotes. I just love jotting down phrases or sentences or paragraphs that resonate with me. I write down the randomest things that most people would not be able to connect to my life, but I notice out of the blue. Right now, I have this big pad of paper on top of my desk for this purpose, but so far it only has King Dork quotes. I would sort of like to someday post all these quotes all around my room, and just look at them and remember what I was thinking when I copied it down. but, knowing me, I won't ever be organized enough to even get all my quotes in any one place. I've thrown some away, some are in this ntoebook by my bed, some are on worksheets and such, and I've had to erase them. Also, after saying this idea out loud, I will probably almost instantly decide I don't want to do it anyway, and forget about it.

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