Sunday, April 19, 2009

Zomg Watchmens

Over the break, Burt lent me his copy of watchmen (the book-i mean, graphic novel) and I read it straight through in one day. It took me like 4 or 5 hours only. *smug*
Now this may have had to do with the fact that I was in a car, driving for 7 hours but still.. For me to have that kind of attention span, you know it has to be good. And it was soo good. I loved the part where Dr. Manhattan's on Mars. I love the part where Walter is talking aobut how he became Rorscach. I love the part where Rorschach's psychologist becomes like depressed, because of Rorschach. I love the parts where it's the real-life story, intertwined with that one comic book the kid's reading. (Tales of the Black Freighter? *goes and checks* It doesn't say, but I think that's right...)
Anyway, now I really, really want to see the movie. But my parents will be all "Noo it's rated R!" And from what I've read/heard it sounds like it did earn it's R-rating so there's no hope of me seeing it, at least until it comes out on dvd and I can maybe watch it at a friend's house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Do you know they made tales of the Black Freighter a separate movie? It's probably super shitty, but we have to watch it anyway. xD

Anyway, I applaud your watchmen-reading-while-riding-in-a-car-age. I get car sick. xP